How's the quality of the cooler in BOX CPU (CPU + CPU cooler) that goes with the purchase of CPU?

Let's put it in two ways:


  1. Convenient for users, because users don't need to spend time choosing or looking for which cooler is right to buy. At least it won't cause computer to shut down.


  1. A great difference in cost, at Pentium era, price difference is about US$10.00. For Pentium II, it is about US$14.00 or more.
  2. Worse heat dissipation effect, In considering the compatibility of total dimension requirement, the box CPU cooler is smaller and it's tank-like design also gets in way when there is an extra fan bringing air flow to the CPU.
  3. As it's a one-body design (cooler+CPU), just imagine what will happen when the cooler is out of order? Do you wan to buy another CPU? How much will cost then?

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